Mowing Tips
Be sure equipment is properly maintained and blades are sharp.
Be safe - Use proper footwear, safety glasses and hearing protection.
Before mowing, pick up papers, sticks and toys and look for objects in the lawn areas. Sticks and hard objects can and will damage your blades or mower. Move lawn furniture.
Mow a couple of times around the perimeter blowing clippings in towards the center of the lawn before beginning striping patterns. This will help with keeping grass clippings from being blown back into your garden areas.
Mow in straight lines to give a pleasing appearance with striping.
Try to vary the pattern of cut from week to week. It is healthy for your lawn and keep rutting to a minimum, especially when it is wet.
Avoid leaving accumulations of clippings on the lawn by double cutting or collecting clippings when necessary. Do not mow when it is too wet, this can damage the turf.
As much as possible avoid the discharge of clippings into beds, shrub borders, gardens, patios, walkways, roadways, etc. Makes cleanup much harder!
Take care when making turns, especially with zero turn mowers, to avoid taking divots or damaging the lawn by tearing up turf with the wheels.
Do not refuel on lawn areas or driveways.
Be mindful when trimming or weed eating not to scalp the edges.
Avoid hard weed eating against siding, fence posts, mailbox posts or the stems of trees; be especially careful of young trees with tender bark.
Often weed eat garden beds with the trimmer line used vertically.
After mowing operations are complete, blow clippings out of beds and off patios, decks, walkways and driveways.
Make sure that any lawn furniture you have moved has been returned to its place.